Ctrl-Alt-Del ® IT Consultancy is happy to provide its Terminal Server and Citrix Utilities absolutely FREE, and we are happy to assist you if our utilities do not function correctly in your environment. Whilst every effort has been made test our utilities, there can be infrastructure issues within individual sites that can cause some utilities to not perform as described.
Always ensure you have downloaded the latest version from the website first.
The information below has been included to assist people in resolving particular issues:
– ALL WINDOWS 2008 Servers – TS command line utilities return the error: *** Could not locate domain as specified. Search failed ***. – On Windows 2008 Server the computer browser service is TURNED OFF by default as part of Microsoft wanting to dump NETBios and rely solely on DNS. This has caused any calls to the functions WTSEnumerateServers and NetServerEnum to cease working because they rely on the Computer Browser Service working either on the domain controller in a domain environment, or the specific Terminal Server in a workgroup environment. For programming purposes the error code generated are ERROR 1212 for WTSEnumerateServers and ERROR 6118 for NetServerEnum. The CAD Util Pack relies heavily on the WTSEnumerateServers function and therefore the utilities have found not to be working in a Windows 2008 environment. The following solutions has been successful at resolving this issue: – Solution 1: For Windows Server 2008 installations, the computer browser is disabled by default, and dcpromo does not change the configuration of the service when Active Directory is installed. The network browsing is convenient for drive mappings and quick access to systems, and this browsing depends on the short name features of NetBIOS. The primary way to correct this issue is to configure the computer browser service to be an automatic starting service. This should be done on the ALL Domain Controllers within the specific domain. It is not required to be done on the individual Windows 2008 Terminal Server unless it is a workgroup server. There are a number of ways to set the Computer browser service to Automatic, including the sc command, via the registry, or through the Services node of the Management console. Those who use Windows 2008 server core as the DC can only use the SC command or the registry to make the change. SC command: On the DC via a command prompt type:sc config “browser” start- autosc start “browser” Regedit: On the DC run regedit.exe then:Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser (make sure you choose BROWSER and not BOWSER)Change “Start” “REGDWORD” to “2”. This is the automatic start variable.Reboot Server or start the service manually. After the service has been started, the CAD UTIL Pack will continue working as normal in a windows 2008 environment. – Solution 2: For Windows Server 2008 installations, if Solution 1 still has not solved the problem, apply the following change to each Terminal Server within your domain: Enable “NetBIOS over TCP/IP” in the Network connection advanced properties Navigate to: Control Panel -> Network Connections -> right-click on the connection object -> Properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties -> Advanced. -> WINS -> NetBIOS setting -> Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP> |
– TSLoadbal does not list any servers in the options window. – TS command line utilities return the error: *** Could not locate domain as specified. Search failed ***. – These errors are generally related to WINS or DNS errors on your Domain structure. The following solutions have been successful at resolving this issue: – Solution 1: The most common solution has been found as a result of sites having the Routing and Remote Access service installed on a Domain Controller or a DNS server. To resolve this issue see Microsoft Article Q292822 and follow the steps in the article. – Solution 2: Always make sure that the member server (Citrix or Terminal Server) is not set as the master browser correctly in the registry. To chekc this, Select Start, Run, regedt32, press Enter. Locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters. Make sure the Registry String “IsDomainMaster” is set to be False and mMake sure the Registry String “MaintainServerList” is set to be No. Exit the registry editor. – Solution 3: On the server or PC that is displaying these symptoms, go to a command prompt and type NSLOOKUP and press enter.In the screen output do you see a line saying:Server: Can’t Find Server Name for Address Address: Name: localhost Address: so then you have a DNS resolution issue. The section in the CAD Utilities that enumerates the servers against the domains may use the DNS name, and if the DNS server name cannot be resolved, then the utility will not work. To fix this, look at the following article on how to create a reverse lookup zone: – Solution 4: On the server or PC that is displaying these symptoms, go to a command prompt and type IPCONFIG /ALL and press enter.In the screen output do you see a line saying:NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Disabled If so then this is the problem. The section in the CAD Utilities that enumerates the servers against the domains requires NETBIOS, and if this message is listed under IPCONFIG /ALL then netbios has been turned off.To check it and turn it back on, do the following:To enable NetBT manually: Go to control panel, Network Connections.In the Network Connections window, you’ll see an object for each network card on your system. Right-click the network card for which you want to enable NetBT, then choose Properties.On the Properties page, double-click the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) object, then click Advanced on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties page.Click the WINS tab, then click the Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP radio button or the DEFAULT: option provided that DHCP is not cancelling out NETBT. Check the Enable LMHOSTS lookup check box, then click OK until you’ve closed the pages.To verify that you’ve enabled NetBT, you can type IPCONFIG /ALL again on a command line. You’ll no longer see a line confirming that NetBT is disabled. . . .Now test the application again.- Solution 5: Ensure the server is a member of the correct domain or attached to the workgroup of the same name. |
– TSLoadBal cannot connect to any servers in the Server Farm. Please select the Options button on the main screen or contact your administrator. – This may occur if the user has recently changed their Domain password and not restarted their PC since. This issue has been displayed on Windows 2000 professional.TSLoadBal uses the domain user membership to enumerate the servers and retrieve their load status to process the load balancing scenario. If a users credentials have expired or have not replicated to the domain, then the user will not be granted access to enumerate the Domain and search for terminate servers. Thanks to Gary Russell at for this. |
– TSLoadStats PAC errors – PAC errors are generally returned when the server you are querying is too busy to return the CPU or Memory counter. If you run TSLoadStats MyServer /n:6 (which will loop 6 times), the PAC error may occur once or twice because the server may be processing too much data at the time. If you get the PAC error every time, then make sure you have admin rights to the server you are querying. |
– TSPassChg – The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements. – This error has appeared since the release of Windows 2003 SP2 and can also be found in Windows 2008. We’re not sure if it’s a Microsoft bug that was not found until they released Win2k3 SP2, but it is a setting within the Account password policy within the Domain Security Policy. To fix this, logon to a Domain Controller as an Admin user. Go to START–>Control Panel–>Administrative Tools and select Domain Security Policy.Under Account Policies–>Password Policy edit the entry – Minimum Password Age. The default setting is 1. The new setting should be 0. After this setting is completed, the administrator should run GPUPDATE /FORCE from a command prompt to ensure the policy takes effect.This error appears when either the user or administrator resets or changes the user’s password, and if the user runs TSPassChg to change their password within 1 day of this original change, the described error appears. Setting this policy to 0 (zero) ensures that the password can be changed immediately. |
– Other Errors. – Some CAD Utils require particular permissions to function correctly. If a utility fails for any reason, check the following permissions are set on each Terminal Server in the farm:Windows 2000/2003Select the user or group who will run the utility. In this example it will be MYDOMAIN\USER1. This user only has “Domain Users” rights with the Active directory structure.On EACH Citrix/ Terminal Server, go to START–>CONTROL PANEL–>ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS–>TERMINAL SERVICES CONFIGURATION The Terminal Services Console will open. Select the CONNECTIONS folder on the left hand side of the window.On the right hand side there will be a list of protocols used by the server for remote computing. If you have Citrix installed you will see ICA-TCP and RDP-TCP, and if you just have TS you will see RDP-TCP. If using Citrix, you must modify both protocols. In this example we will modify just the RDP-TCP protocol to enable the use to have permissions to logoff users, but the process is identical for ICA-TCP.Right click on the RDP-TCP protocol and select PROPERTIES. Select the PERMISSIONS TAB.Look for the Username or the group the user belongs to in the list under GROUPS OR USERNAMES. If the user or the group the user belongs to is not in the list then add the user or group. In this example we will add MYDOMAIN\USER1 to the list.Once the user is added to the list, they will automatically be given GUEST ACCESS in the permission section. This is not enough permissions to complete the task.Still on the PERMISSIONS TAB, select the user (in this case MYDOMAIN\USER1) and click ADVANCED at the bottom of the window.A new window will appear, and the list of users will exist in the permissions tab of the new window.Select the user (MYDOMAIN\USER1) and press EDIT.In the list of permissions, ensure QUERY, LOGON, LOGOFF, CONNECT AND MESSAGE are ALLOWED. Message is only required if the user will message other users of a shutdown or logoff.Press OK, OK, and OK until the window goes back to the original.Windows 2008/2012Select the user or group who will run the utility. In this example it will be MYDOMAIN\USER1. This user only has “Domain Users” rights with the Active directory structure.On EACH Citrix/ Terminal Server, go to START–>CONTROL PANEL–>ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS–>Remote Desktop Services–>Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration The Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration Console will open. Find the CONNECTIONS pane in the middle of the current window.Under this, there will be a list of protocols used by the server for remote computing. If you have Citrix installed you will see ICA-TCP and RDP-TCP, and if you just have TS you will see RDP-TCP. If using Citrix, you must modify both protocols. In this example we will modify just the RDP-TCP protocol to enable the use to have permissions to logoff users, but the process is identical for ICA-TCP.Right click on the RDP-TCP protocol and select PROPERTIES.Select the SECURITY TAB.Look for the Username or the group the user belongs to in the list under GROUPS OR USERNAMES. If the user or the group the user belongs to is not in the list then add the user or group. In this example we will add MYDOMAIN\USER1 to the list.Once the user is added to the list, they will automatically be given GUEST ACCESS in the permission section. This is not enough permissions to complete the task.Still on the SECURITY TAB, select the user (in this case MYDOMAIN\USER1) and click ADVANCED at the bottom of the window.A new window will appear, and the list of users will exist in the permissions tab of the new window.Select the user (MYDOMAIN\USER1) and press EDIT.In the list of permissions, ensure QUERY, LOGON, LOGOFF, CONNECT AND MESSAGE are ALLOWED. Message is only required if the user will message other users of a shutdown or logoff.Press OK, OK, and OK until the window goes back to the original.Now test the application again. |
Freeware Notice Please remember the Applications listed on this website are freeware. Freeware versions are offered AS IS. Ctrl-Alt-Del ® IT Consultancy has made every effort possible to ensure that these products are free of any bugs or errors, however in no way are these products to be considered error or bug free. You assume all responsibility for any damages or lost data that may result from any errors or bugs in these products. IN NO EVENT WILL Ctrl-Alt-Del ® IT Consultancy BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY GENERAL,SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THESE PRODUCTS. |